
L'envol school is run by the association ENVOL 64,
a non-profit association recognized as being of general interest.

 Association « Envol 64 », RNA : W643007766, SIREN 82988913800022, SIEGE : 98 place d’Ossau 64121 Serres-Castet.
L’école l’envol est une école hors contrat, indépendante sans financement public, ses moyens proviennent essentiellement des frais de scolarité.

You can become an actor of our project.

Some families make a huge financial sacrifice because they have no other recourse than this facility to educate their children with learning disabilities.

It also welcomes students who are academically insecure. The majority of the 80 students have no particular profile, but among them there are also high potential students.

Investing in this school means investing in your future employees. A stable and knowledgeable staff.

Your support will help keep tuition costs down so that access to school is not elitist.